Having a gorgeous and well-designed website is crucial if you wish to succeed and expand your business, as well as if you’re trying to capture the attention of your readers. When creating a site there are some key elements that can either make or break your business. Here are some points that you should focus on and look into, as well as implement when it comes to your website.
Top 8 signs that will tell if your site is well-designed
1. Get the user’s attention
Most sites will have dynamic content, and it is imperative to capture your reader’s attention with your site and its information. Do you have the right set of pictures that can catch the eye? Also, did you know that most users will instantly recognize edges and motions? Try to focus your reader’s attention with different colors, patterns, questions, as well as fonts. To sum it all up, do not be basic, and try to stand out from the rest.

2. Feature exposure
Most users will appreciate guidelines on every site, doesn’t really matter what the topic of it is. Thanks to these guidelines, every visitor will go through the site content in a very simple and user-friendly way. Make sure that your user sees what functions are available, and what they can get from your site. Is the content well-understood, as well as presented in the best form? If not, make sure to do some quick adjustments.
3. The right format
Each site is different and unique in its own way. You should adjust the writing style to users’ preferences. Here are some key points that you should follow:
- Use shorter phrases
- Use scannable layouts
- Break the text
- Use different headings and fonts
- Use italic & bold features
- Don’t forget to go for catchy headlines

4. Embrace the white space
White spaces are something that scares the writers, editors, as well as site developers. However, did you know what white space can help reduce the cognitive load for the visitor, and it also allows you to fully focus on the information that is on the screen? Complex structures can be harder to read and scan, as well as browse through. The main emphasis should be on the visual hierarchy, so heads up before you make final edits to your site. Go for the right amount of white space, and make sure that it fits in with your vibe.
5. Test early & often
Testing is important, and you should do it at the right moment. This means not too early, and not too late. TETO-principle should be applied to every web design project. Do not do it too late nor too often, or for the wrong reasons. Make sure to understand and follow this pattern:
- It is best to test one user early in the project and get their opinion
- Do not test 100 users near the end, it is pointless
- Remember that it is an iterative process

6. Embrace conversations
Remember that it is always best to go for a pattern that others are comfortable and familiar with. What does it mean to embrace a conversation?
- A) A conversational menu at the top of each page
- B) Contact information at the bottom of each page
- C) Clickable logo at the top of the page that will redirect back to the homepage
- D) A search bar
Strive for different colors since it is easier to navigate the site when everything is shiny and colorful, as well as different from the rest. Aim for words that are unique to your site, as well as your brand or logo.
7. Consistency is key
Consistency is key! Also, did you know that trust is built through consistency? This means that regular posting as well as keeping it unique and in your niche is a must! You should go for consistent design elements across your website. This means that you should stay true & consistent with yourself, as well as your brand. Keep the same color scheme and fonts across each page. Make sure that your visitors are always coming back to visit you for you, not because you are trying to copy all the latest trends and adapt to something new. Stay fun, different, unique, as well as consistent!

8. Accessible
Last, but not least, are you easily accessible, and how does your audience feel about you and your site? Did you know that more than half of sites are nowadays accessed with our phones? People are slowly drifting away from their laptops, and are trying to make more technological and advanced switches. More & more users are visiting different sites with their phones on a regular everyday basis. Make sure that your site is phone-friendly, and that you embrace the mobile website design. Think about all younger generations that are constantly on their phones, is your website friendly and catered to them as well?
Where to begin?
Not too sure where to begin or what to do about your webpage design? Making that first initial step is the hardest move, which is why you will appreciate Smoking Chili Media. They do digital marketing and website design while providing you with all the needed SEO strategy details, as well as copywriting and email information! They can easily get you to the top of the Google page to increase your sale. You will get the needed knowledge at a reasonable price while building your site & your brand by following all of their recommended guidelines & rules. Ideal for start ups or businesses that have been around for some time, yet have been having a hard time making a breakthrough.

Ready to make some adjustments?
So, now you know what it takes to be the best & what it takes to make a difference when building your site. Simply follow these rules and guidelines and you will increase your sales and get the needed exposure! These tips are for everyone! Individuals who run a blog, or big companies that are trying to make a breakthrough.