
Ways to Know if Your VPN Service Isn’t Legit – 2024 Guide

VPN is a virtual private network that allows different users to use and share files through public networks, while they are still using their private network. Sometimes, some services can be accessed through regular ways, and VPN creates a communication line between some specific server and the consumers, so they can browse things that aren’t allowed in their country, or when it’s not covered outside some specific area. Practically, VPN creates a point-to-point connection, or we can even say it’s a tunnel between you and the service you are trying to access, so you can use the benefits that aren’t covered in your area.

But, how can you be sure you are using a proper VPN service that is completely legit and doesn’t put you at any risk? If you use it, you have to be sure the service is trustworthy. You can check on to see how these things should be done. There are plenty of fake VPN services, that will do their job, but use the protocol to access your data and spy on you. You can avoid those services, but sometimes it’s pretty difficult to spot the difference between legit and fake services.

Here are some important tips that can help you recognize if something is wrong with some VPN offers:


1. They claim they are the best

It’s very easy to hire a copywriter who will do their job, and create attractive copies, to attract customers. But, if you see a service that claims they are the best among them all, but there is no proof for that, probably you need to skip them this time and look for another one. Additionally, if they are free, but claim they are “the most private”, “fastest”, or “most secure”, but you can’t see any proof, they probably lie. Find a more reliable source to prevent bad situations.

2. Suspicious encryption

They can be legit completely, but still providing outdated encryption, like PPTP or L2TP. They were good in the past, but things are changing through time, and they are completely out of style today. Inexperienced people won’t be able to spot that difference, and if you know someone who needs to use a VPN for some reason, try to teach them to look for AES-256 encryption, or above.

Source: WebSetNet

3. It slows down your computer a lot

There will probably be some delays while you are using the VPN, but they are not that bad as it seems. But, if you see that you need more than ten seconds for one page to load, it can be a sign that something is wrong with the service. Maybe it meets some “hole” in the tunnel, where your personal data is stolen and stored, who knows… A good VPN service won’t slow down your internet speed, and you will anyway have delays that aren’t bigger than one second.

4. They aren’t present on the social media

We all know that there is almost no business in the world without social media accounts available on Facebook, Twitter, or even Instagram. If you can’t find any sign of them there, check when they were founded. If they are a new company, you will have to wait until they have their website and social media profiles, and provide proper customer support.

Source: The VPN Guru

5. They keep activity logs

If you see that you can access your previous activity logs, there is something shady. They shouldn’t do that. It should terminate all the logs when you discard the session, and never keep any of them. A lot of similar companies were sued in the past due to sharing data and keeping logs, without transparently telling the clients they are doing that. It’s not a crime, but the users must be informed of that.

6. It’s completely free

Nothing comes for free in this world. Even the priceless things are paid before. Nothing good comes free. It’s pretty unlikely that a good service that doesn’t collect your data and sell it to third parties will be free forever. Surely, most of them will provide a trial period, so you can check if the service meets your preferences. But, keep in mind that not all protocols are safe all the time, and malware and other harmful software can easily access your device if you use some free VPN you found on the internet.

Source: ISJ International Security Journal

7. Your device is infected with malware

If you receive weird emails, pop-ups, and ads, and you see something is happening on your computer, then you have to change your VPN service immediately. You can even format the computer, and reinstall the operating system, so you can be sure everything is cleared.

How to spot a good VPN service?

There are many signs to recognize if the VPN is good for you, as the competitive price, the trial period they offer, how many servers they support, how they choose the unique IP addresses, the speed, and protocols, and if they are available for more than one device while using the same account. These are the key features you need to pay attention to when choosing your new VPN service. Compare the prices, so you can get the best of it.

Source: Compare and Choose The Best One

There is a risk almost all the time

When you download some app and install it on your computer, you have to agree on their terms and conditions, that doesn’t necessarily match your beliefs. You must be careful with every app your install on your devices because the risk is present all the time. Even the most reliable software may have some bugs, and they can be easily resolved if you report them to the developers.

Try to explore the background before you use it, so you can be sure you are doing everything fine. If the service you use somehow disappoints you, then delete it, and reset the phone or computer, so you can erase every suspicious portion of the software. Be careful what you are using, because sometimes it can be a costly mistake you won’t be able to recover the damage.

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