These days, the Instagram platform is a place of fashion ideas, new looks, and young girls often compare themselves with celebrities and trying hard to be like them. The influencers are promoting different diets as well, heavy workouts, and everything that takes to look good. They post the best clicks online edited in photoshop too, so if we have a chance to see them on the street, we wouldn’t probably recognize most of them. Stay tuned and check out our list of comparison between daily and Instagram look.
5. Maeve Madden

This photo tells us that even people in top form can not always look perfect. A flat belly and abs are very demanding area, and it takes a lot of exercise to tone it. Even when you succeed, due to potential food intolerance or hormonal disbalance, it can easily get swollen again. This picture is a perfect example of it.
4. Laura Ivette

Laura’s job is not based on the Instagram platform only. Her real job is in the laboratory as a molecular technologist which is impressive. However, she presents herself online as a sweltering chick, always with full make-up, perfect hairstyle, and trendy outfits. Her real look is a lot different than that. Once she leaves the house in the morning on the way to her laboratory, you can find that she doesn’t have any make-up on her face, she walks around in comfy shoes and clothing along with her eyeglasses. You could not recognize her for sure!

3. Jess King

In this photo, young Jess shows for the female population how to get a better look in bikini by wearing your bottoms higher on your hips. Indeed, with this small trick, you can get a lot better look.

2. Nikki De Jager
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When it comes to make-up artists, Nikki’s YouTube channel is one of the most visited. During her tutorials, she always shows before and after look to make us realize the real difference. However, she promotes in a way natural beauty too, so there is nothing bad in it.

1. Imre Cecen

Camera resolution, brightness, angels, and body posture dictates whether an image is going to look good or not. This photo shows the biggest difference in posture. While the image on the left side gives the impression of extremely firm body and perfectly flat belly, on the other hand, the second photo clicked in different posture and angles gives a more natural look.