
Why Do People in Japan Have the Highest IQ in the World?


The Japanese are considered the healthiest and most intelligent people in the whole world. They are on the top of the leaderboard for average IQ of nations with average 106 points. Their lifestyle is the reason why they manage to be vital but also remain mentally healthy. The questions are whether there are scientific facts that would explain why the Japanese are very intelligent, or if it is all just a division that people make themselves.

It is often believed that a different lifestyle has a significant contribution to it. In addition, Japan is in a high position in the development of technology, industry, manufacturing, and even pharmacy. Indeed, if the Japanese were not intelligent, they would certainly be somewhat behind in that development and progress. Also, Japanese universities rank high in terms of quality of education. Maybe that is the reason why the Japanese have the best results on all intelligence tests. They care a lot about their IQ and always encourage their kids to think smart. They always take IQ tests to know their level of intelligence. If you want to measure your IQ too, the go-to place to do so is they provide real and accurate IQ tests online.

According to the latest research of 2024, many young people want to check their IQ. The average IQ in Japan is 112, and it is interesting that this year the people from Taiwan showed an IQ of 116, which means that the fight between these two countries is quite close.

These are some of the habits that Japanese children acquire at an early age and probably contribute to their growth in intelligent and sensible sentences.

Focus on extracurricular activities


Most children after school take various courses to enroll in better colleges and secondary schools. Apart from spending 8 hours at school, they spend another 4 hours on extracurricular activities.

Of course, this includes different groups of talents, playing sports, and improving learning methods. Teachers work dedicatedly with students and motivate them to accept and improve their talents, without focusing on things that do not interest them.

Lunch is an important part of the day

The Japanese always have healthy food with natural ingredients on their menu. As you know, Japanese cuisine abounds with fresh food and a combination of simple flavors.

What is most important is that lunch is an important ritual part, and even when they are at school, children eat it together, accompanied by their teachers. And of course, they are all focused on local ingredients, which are indigenous and offer the best combination of nutritional ingredients for both children and adults.

We must admit that this kind of food keeps the nervous system young, healthy and vital. That explains a good deal of the assumption that the Japanese are among the most intelligent people in the world.

Manners are important

In Japan, children do not take any tests before they turn 10 years old. Until then, they solve small tests so they don’t get too overwhelmed. They believe that in the first three years children should learn manners and develop their own personalities. Children learn how to respect others and be gentle with animals and nature and learn to be generous and supportive and develop characteristics such as self-confidence.

Perhaps this approach is exactly what all the nations of the world need. In the end, everyone managed to learn what they need in life, but for many, manners and good behavior seem to have been forgotten. And we firmly believe that only intelligent people know how to be measured, calm, and have manners that everyone would envy.

The Japanese value their history and tradition


Besides studying traditional subjects, Japanese people often discover the magic of poetry. In this way, they learn to preserve their culture and respect other people.

In fact, you will never meet a Japanese person who acts as if their culture is superior. Maybe it is, but they will never say it out loud because they are taught to respect other people’s cultures, history, and traditions. Isn’t that a characteristic of the most intelligent people in the whole world?

On the other hand, there are those who behave superiorly because of certain historical and cultural aspects, even at the cost of humiliating others. As you can guess, it’s a real rarity for a Japanese person to do that. On the contrary, they are very open to respecting other people’s traditions, but they also expect it from others.

Students do not run away from classes

Almost no one skips class in Japan, so the class attendance rate is 99.99%.

Can you imagine how important it actually is not to miss any part of the educational process? Of course, an important factor here is that the education is adapted to the age of the children and there is always something fun for them.

On the other hand, many other societies have nurtured the same education system for decades, so it is not surprising that today’s children are not interested in learning more.

Emphasis is placed on healthy food

In Japan, food is not only eaten for taste. The Japanese believe in deriving health benefits from their food. In fact, Japan is home to the highest percentage of people in the world who live to be over 100 years old.

The Japanese love to drink green tea known as matcha. The Japanese often eat fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and kimchi, as well as seafood.

Serving small portions is part of Japanese culture. Smaller portions can make you eat less, thereby helping you lose weight. Portions appear larger on smaller plates, which contributes to eating less.

As you can see, even the way of food keeps them healthy and vital and preserves the functioning of the nervous system.



Knowing all these factors, it is really clear what contributes to Japan being one of the healthiest and most intelligent nations in the entire world.

Indeed, it is enough just to change part of your life habits or to focus on your personal growth. You will be surprised how much easier it will be to complete your daily tasks and how much better you will be able to focus on your tasks.

Take the example of the Japanese. Those people really know what they are doing and they do it really well.

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