
10 Things to Check Before you Publish your Academic Research Paper


It is an honor to be published in the leading world academic journals. However, these journals have standards that you must meet to have it published. You will also be competing with many other authors from different backgrounds and institutions, requiring you to produce a spectacular one. will help you to deliver a captivating paper that will earn a slot in the best academic journals.

Once you write your paper, you need to review it before submission. The review helps you to establish whether the paper qualifies for publication. A number of aspects can be used to determine whether the paper will pass the publication test. Here are the things to check before you publish or submit your paper for publication.


1. Title

The title is the first encounter a reader will have with your ideas. It tells the person interested in the paper whether to pick it or ignore. The title will cause readers to ignore papers handling captivating ideas and choose one with mundane ones, based on the strength of the title.

Choose an interesting title for your research. Beyond considering the subject, you must be conscious of word placement and phrasing. Organize the words in such a way that your discussion becomes interesting to any reader who comes across the paper.

The title should indicate that you are exploring new ideas. It must also be relevant to the subject covered in the journal you will be publishing. Above all, cover current issues so that readers can find solutions to the challenges they are facing through your paper.

2. Structure

How have you organized your paper? Academic research papers have a definitive structure that every writer must follow. The structure is usually indicated in the brief provided by journal publishers. Adhere to the structure, or risk your paper being declined.

Instructions on the structure help to standardize the papers published in a journal. These instructions are also unique to the discipline of the publishing department. For instance, each journal has specific requirements for the cover page, formatting style, and citations. Some are dictated by the area of study like sciences, humanities, and social sciences. It must be written in the stipulated structure to be accepted for publication.


3. Formatting

Formatting styles determine the order in which details of reference materials appear in a paper. The style is dictated by the subject of study. For instance, social sciences prefer a particular formatting style that is different from humanities. Formatting instructions are clear before you begin writing your paper. Follow these formatting instructions to stand any chance of your paper being accepted for publication.

The greatest challenge for research paper writers is mixing two or more formatting styles. It results in confusion where a reader may view the page as a publication volume or the title of a journal as that of an article. A reader following up on your discussion will end up confused. It weakens the quality of your academic work. Any mix up will cause publishers to decline your paper.

4. Citations

Verify that all citations are accurately entered. Citations indicate the sources of the ideas you have entered in your research paper. Do not leave out any detail of a book, article, or journal from where you extracted information or ideas.

Citing sources tells the reader that the ideas discussed in the paper are not yours. You will not be accused of plagiarism and the lack of originality. Cite all the work borrowed from other authors and be accurate while at it.


5. References

The reference or bibliography section helps scholars to follow the sources of your ideas. Each formatting style comes with specific instructions on how to draw the references page. You may use samples, engage an editor, or use bibliography apps to create the best references section for your paper. It is part of the sections of a research paper that demonstrate scholarly diligence.

6. Language

Edit the paper before submission for publication. The editor will look at your paper from different dimensions. One dimension is grammar. Ensure that your paper adheres to grammar writing rules. You also need a technical editor who ensures that your ideas are technically sound. The editor should be trained in the same area. Online editing tools and apps will help you to polish the language of your research paper.


7. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a grave sin in the academic world. You are expected to produce the most original ideas in your writing. Copying ideas or sections of your work from other writers will attract harsh penalties. You could be disqualified or your certificate recalled when it is discovered that you copied from other scholars. Use plagiarism checking tools to ascertain the originality of your ideas.

8. Authenticity of your ideas

Are your ideas original or do they resemble what other writers have produced? It is one of the biggest tests for research papers. Read as many books and scholarly materials on the subject as possible. You encounter other writers with similar ideas. Instead of repeating, you blend the ideas to create an original view. You must be diligent with literature review to avoid duplicating the ideas of other scholars.


9. Relevance of your ideas

Are your ideas relevant to the prevailing academic discourse? Will they add any value to scholarship at this moment or they are outdated? This is a discussion you need to have long before completing the paper and submitting it for publication. If the ideas are stale or shallowly researched, no journal will accept your paper.

10. Cover page

Provide all the details required for your cover page to increase the chances of publication. The cover page indicates the owner of the paper, learning institution, the title, and such crucial details that the journal may demand. Use the instructions as a checklist to ensure that these details are available in your paper.

Prepare a checklist to help you review it before submission. Work with peers in the department to peruse through the paper and see whether it can pass the test of publication in a leading journal. You may also use online tools to improve the quality of your research for publication.

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