Cannabis is a broad and diverse industry, with a great deal of variation. There are many misconceptions about smoking marijuana, and it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. This post will discuss eight interesting facts about cannabis products and the industry as a whole.
Many US States Have Legalized Recreational Use (But Confusion Persists)
Only a decade ago, many states were anti-drugs of any kind. Now, more and more states conclude that weed is here to stay. While this is fantastic news for those living in such states, many people are still unaware of the laws and regulations surrounding its use. In fact, according to 420dc, Virginia was the first southern state to fully legalize marijuana for recreational use in 2020. However, the intended date of legalization proposed by Virginian lawmakers was 2024, causing some confusion when the date was brought back.
However, while numerous states have begun or completed the legalization process, cannabis remains an illegal, controlled substance on the federal level. This means that crossing state lines while in possession could land you in jail. This anomaly stands even if you travel from one legal state into another legal state. Nevertheless, it is only a matter of time before cannabis becomes legal at the very highest levels of law. As more and more Americans embrace legalization, the powers that be will eventually have to fold to the people’s will and legislate on the matter.

Cannabis Has Numerous Medical Benefits
The medical benefits of cannabis are becoming more and more well-known, and cannabis is now used to treat various conditions, from chronic pain to epilepsy. Although research for some medical benefits is still ongoing, it is widely accepted that cannabis can have a therapeutic effect for specific issues such as:
Chronic pain relief:
where medical cannabis really shines is how well it can alleviate chronic pain from issues like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines. It does this by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (more on that later).
Lessen tremors for Parkinson’s patients:
Because marijuana affects the limbic system, doctors sometimes prescribe it to patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. It has been shown to reduce tremors and dramatically improve quality of life.
Reduce inflammation:
Marijuana contains CBD, which reduces inflammation and can benefit people with Crohn’s disease or IBS.
Help with some neurological and mental disorders:
This point is slightly more contented than others as it can increase anxiety in some users. Nevertheless, many people swear by the calming effects cannabis can provide them.
Promote restful sleep:
By consuming the right strain, you can often induce restful sleep, especially among those with insomnia.

You Can Become Addicted To Heavy Use
Many factors determine how likely addiction is, but the more you use it and the more frequently you use it, the greater your chances of developing an addiction. A marijuana use disorder, which may lead to addiction in severe cases, can develop due to marijuana use. However, this usually begins as a dependency before becoming a full-blown addiction. Furthermore, it is far less addictive than alcohol and other drugs, and casual users are highly unlikely to become addicted. As with any drug, however, the longer you consume it, the more you’ll need to feel the effects.
There Are Two Main Strains Of Weed
As mentioned earlier, weed can induce restful sleep. The effects will vary depending on the strain. There are two primary strains of cannabis (plus a third hybrid) which include:
- Sativa
- Indica
Sativa cannabis is a type of marijuana known for its energizing and uplifting effects. It’s also the most common type of cannabis used in the production of popular products like oil and edibles. Indica cannabis is a cannabis strain known for its sedative effects and is commonly used to treat chronic pain, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Moreover, this is the strain that you should look for if you want to relax and unwind.
There are hundreds of cannabinoids contained within a cannabis plant, and the two that receive the most headlines are THC and CBD. However, these two compounds create different effects. THC is a psychoactive compound in cannabis that induces the feeling of being high by binding to your body’s endocannabinoid receptors. When they bind, they create a sense of euphoria and relaxation that can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how much you smoke or ingest. On the other hand, CBD is not psychoactive like THC, so it doesn’t get you high, but it still has many medicinal benefits.

Ingesting Cannabis Creates A Very Different Effect From Smoking
The effects of ingesting cannabis vary from person to person and depend on the type of cannabis, how it was consumed, the amount, and the individual’s tolerance to cannabis. However, the effects usually take longer to appear and can last far longer than other methods.
It Can Be Consumed In Many Ways
As already mentioned, cannabis can be ingested by cooking it in oil or butter and adding it to various dishes. But the most common way to consume it is by inhalation. There are several other ways that one can consume it, including:
This technique involves inhalation similar to when you smoke a joint, but it is steam rather than smoke that is produced. Vaping is becoming more and more popular as a method of consuming cannabis because it is less harsh than smoking.
Cannabis tincture is a liquid form of cannabis made by extracting the cannabinoids and terpenes from marijuana plants. Tinctures are often used for medicinal purposes, as they can be easy to administer and have fast-acting but short-lived effects.
You can buy all manner of CBD or THC-infused edibles these days, ranging from gummies to chocolate.

It Has Been Used For Millennia
The use of cannabis is as old as human civilization. Cannabis is thought to have originated in central Asia or western China, and its medicinal properties have been appreciated for millennia. The earliest documented use dates back to 2800 BC for various uses, including:
- Spiritual practices
- Medical use
- Hemp was used for textiles
- Food
Due to the legal status of cannabis in most countries, the cultivation and use of cannabis have been used in various ways, from religious, recreational to medicinal purposes. The industry’s future is expected to be worth billions, with no sign of slowing down.