In the bustling metropolis of New York City, a new wave of fashion is sweeping the streets, and it’s not just for humans. The city’s canine companions are stepping out in style, thanks to a burgeoning trend of innovative dog...
Aspirin, a commonly used over-the-counter medication for humans, is sometimes recommended by veterinarians for dogs under specific circumstances. While it can effectively alleviate certain symptoms, pet owners need to be aware of its potential side effects and the risks associated...
Dog owners are always confused about whether to wear a coat during winter. Well, dogs look cute while wearing them. But is it necessary or not? In this article, we will discuss everything regarding the same. Extreme weather temperatures can...
The last thing any rabbit owner wants for their furry friends is for them to be unhealthy and unhappy. If you’ve heard people say that keeping your rabbits in a hutch is considered cruel, it has probably raised some concerns...
Are you planning to buy betta fishes for your aquarium? If yes, you are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss some of the myths and misconceptions of betta fish. In this way, you will figure out...
Dogs are pretty much one of the most loving pets we could have. Dubbed as “Man’s best friend,” they are known to be clingy (read more), playful, loyal, and overall owner-centered creatures. We always longed to have someone on our...
In case you have finally decided to let your pet enjoy the benefits of CBD oil, then it means that you have already done quite a lot of research on this product. You have determined that it is safe and...
We can see that there is almost no household in the US that doesn’t have at least one pet. Of course, throughout history, humans always liked to have animals alongside them. Not only that these animals can provide them with...
Most of you have probably had a hamster at some point in your lives. But almost every time we’re left feeling confused as to why their lifespan is so short compared to other pets. In short, many factors affect a...