
How to Practice & Pass Your Ontario G1 Driving Test

The G1 driving test is the first step in obtaining your driver’s license in Ontario. To be eligible to take it, you’ll need to be 16 years of age and pass an eye test beforehand.

Now, if it’s your first time taking the test, you’re probably a bit nervous about the whole ordeal. There’s a couple of things you can do to prepare in advance, and here we’ll tell you all about it.

So, without any further ado, let’s get right to the bottom of it!


Practice, practice, and more practice!

First of all, you should know that the written G1 test isn’t anything overly complicated! Even if you’re completely new to the world of traffic rules and driving, it won’t take you too long to get the gist of it all.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to practice until you’ve got it right. Everyone’s learning process is different, so ensure you’ve started studying on time. Plan your learning schedule according to your own specific needs and preferences, and don’t forget to revise as frequently as you can!

Again, we know that written tests can be a bit anxiety-inducing at times. Still, if you practice your answers enough, there will be nothing to worry about. Even if you end up failing the test, you can always retake it and pass it on your second try!

Get comfortable with the Driver’s Manual

Your auto school will provide you with the necessary literature, which is basically the driver’s manual consisting of Ontario’s traffic rules and signs. While it might seem overly extensive at first, it’s actually pretty simple once you start reading through it.

We advise you to read the entire manual at once before you even start actively studying it. In this way, you’ll know exactly what awaits you so you’ll be able to plan it more effectively.

Overall, depending on your personal schedule and studying habits, it will take you anywhere between a week and a month to get it right. Start as early as you can and avoid procrastinating as much as you can. You’ll quickly see some incredible results!


Take care of your body on the day you’re taking the exam

Apart from studying well, you’ll also need to prepare yourself physically if you want to ace the exam. Make sure you’ve slept and eaten well on the day of the test so you can come in feeling refreshed and ready. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is crucial to performing well on any written test, and G1 is no different!

Even if you feel like you aren’t quite there yet, avoid all-nighters at all costs. Your knowledge will amount to nothing if you’re feeling exhausted on the day you’re taking the test. Again, sleeping well and having a light, energizing breakfast can do wonders for your memory!

Lastly, if you’re usually feeling anxious or nervous before taking a test, practice some self-soothing exercises to calm yourself down. Remember, even if you fail your Ontario G1 driving test, it’s not the end of the world! You can always retake it later on!

Do as many practice tests as you can

Luckily for you, there is an abundance of practice tests that you can take online to check your current knowledge. These consist of similar, if not identical testing G1 written testing questions. It’s the best way to revise for the test and familiarize yourself with the G1 examination, so we make sure you’ve used it to your advantage.

Again, checking your knowledge in real-time is one of the best ways to ensure you’re prepared enough for the “real deal”. You can read more here about these types of online tests if you’re interested.

We believe these can help you achieve satisfactory results fairly quickly, so we advise you to try them out. You’ll certainly feel a bit more confident after taking one of these tests, so why not give it a try!


Get there early

We recommend heading out to the examination venue as early as you can. It can provide you with enough time for some “last minute” reading, and you won’t have to deal with the anxiety of getting there too late.

Besides that, remember to check the examination time more than once to ensure there haven’t been any changes. Additionally, do not forget to inquire about the current COVID 19 measures taking place at the examination venue.

Again, getting there early is always better than being late and potentially missing your test. So, take off as early as you need to! Being in a rush will only intensify your anxiety, which won’t do you any good at all.

Talk to other drivers and seek additional advice!

You can talk to other drivers to seek additional advice and get some useful information. Talking to people who have passed the test successfully can put your mind at ease and prepare you for every outcome.

You can find discussion forums and threads online, or you can ask someone you know to help you with your studying. Again, the G1 driving test in Ontario is nothing to be afraid of! The real challenge starts once you qualify for G2, so ensure you’re well prepared for what’s yet to come.

Overall, if you can find yourself a mentor who can help you with your studies, feel free to do so! It can help you study more effectively all while putting your mind at ease.


The bottom line

The Ontario G1 driving test isn’t particularly difficult. Canadian traffic rules are incredibly simple and straightforward, so you shouldn’t have any issues memorizing them. As long as you study and practice hard enough, we’re certain you’ll pass the test on your first try.

In this article, we’ve provided you with a couple of tips on preparing for your written G1 test to help you reach your goals a bit faster. We hope these proved to be useful for you and we wish you good luck on your upcoming driving tests!

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