China is one of the largest producers of products on the market. If you wander around the house, you will notice 90% of the things you own on the item itself on the label or the underside of the item that there is a label that says “Made in China”. We can freely say that China is one big factory and that the rest of the world depends on its manufacturing. How much does its production affect the rest of the world, we have been and still are witnesses of the consequences we can have if this country ceases to be what it is, ie to be the main factory in the world. So just look at what chaos made the Corona virus.
After the number of infected cases began to rise sharply in China and the rest of the world, they decided to put the country under lock. There was no chance for anyone or anything to enter or leave the country. This posed a huge problem for those countries whose businesses depended heavily on their manufacturing. The import and export of products were put on hold. Companies around the world are slowly depleting their inventories and starting to panic. Will this mean the end for their businesses, will the virus soon disappear and everything will return to normal, or will a worse scenario happen.
For many businesses, China’s pause in procurement meant an end, and they put a padlock on the door. But shortly afterward, China reopened its borders and began to work hard to enable other countries and their businesses to survive. Now import-export agents have their hands full again. Today in this article we will focus on them, what they do exactly, and how to find the best import-export agent in China. So, let’s get started.
What is an import-export agent?

It is a person who provides services, has the role of an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. We would most easily explain this term to you with a simple example. Let’s say you own a mobile shop where you sell accessories for mobile phones. You need protective glasses and cases for the latest Samsung model. Where would you order these products if not from China which can supply you with everything you need at a very low price. But there is a problem. Surely you do not know which manufacturer is the best and you do not understand the language. That’s why you need someone who will connect you with the manufacturer and you will be able to make a good deal. This is where import-export agents come into play. You contact the agent from China, you tell him what you need to buy and at what price, and he is looking for the ideal seller for you instead.
But many buyers and sellers are skeptical about agents, do not trust them too much. But we have prepared some tips for you that will help you find the agent you can rely on.
1. Background check
Before deciding on the agent to let you negotiate with the Chinese manufacturer, we would recommend that you take a look and get to know him better. It would be a great idea if, for example, he owns a website where you can be sure of the reliability of his work. Has he provided data on the location of the office, does the agent have a phone number or contact email, is there any evidence of any of the previous work he has done, is there any evidence of his satisfied or dissatisfied clients, and the like? If you find evidence of any of these items, this tells you that you are dealing with a professional you can trust.
2. Experience is crucial

To choose an export agent in China that can be a mediator between you and the other party, you need to trust them. And to trust him, the agent must have the necessary experience to ensure that you have chosen the right person to represent you. Because there is a big difference between the way deals are made in China and the rest of the world, you will need an agent who already has some experience. He should either come from China and be familiar with the way the Chinese make deals, or he should do this job for a long time to gain the necessary experience.
3. Request a work license and all necessary documents
Laws in China, as in the rest of the world, can be quite strict, and if something is done illegally, delays can be quite rigorous. So, to protect yourself, ask your agent to provide you with a work permit. But not only that, be careful with the documentation you get for the goods you buy. Make sure you all have all the necessary documents to own the purchased products.
4. Do not focus on just one manufacturer

With each subsequent deal, ask your agent to offer you a new manufacturer. There are thousands of manufacturers in China and it is difficult to choose which one is the best because there is no big difference in general. However, many manufacturers offer poor-quality products. This would not be good for your business. Therefore, it is advisable for your agent to offer you a bigger choice and for you to decide which one is best for you.
If you have not yet found the ideal export agent in China and you are running out of time, maybe we have the solution to your problem and the solution is If you are wondering what they have to offer you, this is what they offer: they cooperate only with qualified manufacturers who offer high-quality products that can be witnessed by QC inspectors, phenomenal service at very affordable and low prices, timely delivery of ordered goods, and best of all they offer you a refund if the product is damaged.
So do not miss this opportunity to have a wonderful collaboration with them. All you have to do is contact them and they will realize the service you need as soon as possible.
By choosing the right agent for you, you decide on the future of the business. So, make the right decision and help your business grow and develop.